Coffee In a Bag (50 pack)


Coffee-in-a-Bag to brew like you would with teas.

Why has nobody thought about it before? It is such a simple and perfect way to serve coffee for the Hospitality Industry. If you care about your clients, give them something to remember you by.

Easy and anywhere.

• 50 x 8g single serving sachets

• Gold Medal Award winning coffee at the Aurora International Taste Challenge

• This coffee won a Gold Award at an International Taste Challenge.
• Single serving sachet, individually packed.
• No equipment needed other than boiling water and a cup.
1. Tear the sachet open.
2. Place the bag into a cup and add boiled water (not boiling).
3. Leave the bag in the cup for about 2 – 3min to get the most flavour.
4. Dispose the bag, add milk and sugar to taste.
5. Enjoy your delicious cup of coffee.

Konig Coffee Aurora International Taste Awards

König Coffee – we’re ALL ABOUT COFFEE

Winner of Silver Awards for our Java Reserve, Barista Espresso & Verona coffee beans in the Aurora International Taste Awards 2024.

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